Julius started with analog BW photography at high school. After university studies went to Aberystwyth (Wales) for voluntary work at Plas Lluest Centre for people with learning disabilities. He took one year BW photography course at the University Art Centre in Aberystwyth with well known photographer Ron Davies and built up a darkroom for people with learning difficulties. After one year of voluntary work successfully applied for a grant for own photography project in London. He has worked nearly 10 years as a full time photographer for magazine, advertising company and on his own photography business. Julius is now working as an Editor in chief in PRO.Laika, the largest specialised camera store in Bratislava, Slovakia. He is lucky enough to have time to photograph his own themes and to choose photography genre that he loves – document, reportage and street photography. He loves to capture people in everyday life, but also goes out to photograph different stories from untouched life of slovakian shepherds through charity golf to Gentleman Sailing regata.
Fotografie nemusia byť od svetoznámeho fotografa, aby mali pre nás hodnotu.
Canon EOS 6D je prístrojom, ktorý bezpochyby vyvolal pri svojom uvedení množstvo diskusií. Jedni ho chválili, ďalší hanili pre slabosti, ktoré zniesol papier tlačovej správy. Aj keď je...
Ak chcete urobiť radosť blízkym a priateľom, ktorí fotografujú a neviete, čo by sa im práve hodilo, nič nepokazíte, ak im darujete to, čoho nikdy nie je dosť.
Fotoaparát s vymeniteľnými zadnými stenami, ktorý vychádza z tradície značky Mamiya, predstavuje nový štandard, ktorý podporuje viac ako 50 rôznych digitálnych zadných stien a 80...
Výborný softvér na katalogizáciu, archiváciu i úpravy digitálnych fotografií.